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Price: $10.36

Teaches you how to cut a Beaming Earthsiege Diamond

Price: $2.99

Teaches you how to craft a Blazing Citrine Ring.

Price: $59.25

Teaches you how to craft a Blazing Eternium Band.

Price: $7.48

Teaches you how to cut a Bold Living Ruby.

Price: $4.58

Teaches you how to cut a Brilliant Living Ruby.

Price: $8.00

Teaches you how to cut a Brutal Earthstorm Diamond.

Price: $15.10

Teaches you how to cut a Deadly Flame Spessarite.

Price: $7.11

Teaches you how to cut a Deadly Hessonite.

Price: $9.06

Teaches you how to cut a Deadly Noble Topaz.

Price: $2.91

Teaches you how to cut a Delicate Living Ruby.

Price: $4.86

Teaches you how to cut a Destructive Skyfire Diamond.

Price: $10.96

Teaches you how to cut a Destructive Skyflare Diamond

Price: $4.85

Teaches you how to craft an Embrace of the Dawn.

Price: $7.74

Teaches you how to cut an Etched Twilight Opal.

Price: $6.60

Teaches you how to cut a Glinting Nightseye.

Price: $8.80

Teaches you how to craft a Heavy Felsteel Ring.

Price: $8.23

Teaches you how to cut an Inscribed Monarch Topaz

Price: $3.22

Teaches you how to create a Jeweler's Sapphire Monocle.

Price: $40.24

Teaches you how to cut a Polished Hessonite.

Price: $2.93